Great conditions last week continued on the weekend with clear skies, calms seas and a light breeze. These ideal conditions saw the passengers on the Kingfish bagging a very decent quantity of fish.

The whole boat was chartered for a bucks party on Saturday and the revellers had a whale of a time literally ! We spot whales on just about ever cruise at this time of year.

Marwong aren’t generally considered particularly good eating but I have to disagree. When prepared for me by Chef George of Angelico Trattoria at the Kauri Foreshore Hotel they are excellent. One of the pax didn’t want their fish and fancying a bit of fish for dinner I had George cook it up for me. I couldn’t resist taking the shot below for this blog. Delicious !

See you soon aboard the Kingfisher !


mawie before


mawie after


leatherjacket buck
snapper flathead
1banjoshark bonito


Colin Wishart

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